Starting an on line fireside blog. Share your thoughts on the Baha'i Writings. Express your views. Send and email to with your post. If it meets my guidlines (to be established) I will post it. Basically any positive uplifting message is acceptable. I will not publish anything that is critical of any group or is predjudice.
Once I know your style, I will add you to the account as a blogger and you will no longer need me to approve your posts.
So far this is just a concept. My vision for this is to get a group of people to discuss on an open forum their understanding of various Baha'i subjects. Being on a public blog, anyone in the world could find us on search engines and everyone is invited to participate, however I reserve the right to refuse to publish or remove published material if I feel it is a detriment to any nationality, religion or social class. I will also remove anything that a recognized Baha'i administrative body asks me to remove.
For those interested in world peace London World Peace Forum blog is up and running and enjoying a great deal of success. You may submit your thoughts on Peace to me to include on that blog and once we have built a level of trust I will give you posting rights on that blog.
My Sowing Peace web site is another great resource for lovers of peace. Suggestions for content is always welcome.
I will be putting up my first fireside shortly. Feel free to suggest a subject.
Once I know your style, I will add you to the account as a blogger and you will no longer need me to approve your posts.
So far this is just a concept. My vision for this is to get a group of people to discuss on an open forum their understanding of various Baha'i subjects. Being on a public blog, anyone in the world could find us on search engines and everyone is invited to participate, however I reserve the right to refuse to publish or remove published material if I feel it is a detriment to any nationality, religion or social class. I will also remove anything that a recognized Baha'i administrative body asks me to remove.
For those interested in world peace London World Peace Forum blog is up and running and enjoying a great deal of success. You may submit your thoughts on Peace to me to include on that blog and once we have built a level of trust I will give you posting rights on that blog.
My Sowing Peace web site is another great resource for lovers of peace. Suggestions for content is always welcome.
I will be putting up my first fireside shortly. Feel free to suggest a subject.
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