Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Peace Fest

The first London Peace fest in 2012 had 22 participants. In 2013 there was 3. In 2014 there was only myself. This year I am late and more disorganized than usual. I have been busy with many other things, but I feel it is important to remember the date.

On the 29th of June 1912, 'Abdu'l-Bahá Talked at Unity Feast, Outdoors at West Englewood, New Jersey.

Near the beginning of his talk he said

True Bahá'í meetings are the mirrors of the Kingdom wherein images of the Supreme Concourse are reflected. In them the lights of the most great guidance are visible. They voice the summons of the heavenly Kingdom and echo the call of the angelic hosts to every listening ear. The efficacy of such meetings as these is permanent throughout the ages. This assembly has a name and significance which will last forever. Hundreds of thousands of meetings shall be held to commemorate this occasion, and the very words I speak to you today shall be repeated in them for ages to come. Therefore, be ye rejoiced, for ye are sheltered beneath the providence of God. Be happy and joyous because the bestowals of God are intended for you and the life of the Holy Spirit is breathing upon you.

          ('Abdu'l-Bahá, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 213)

          'Abdu'l-Bahá did not prophesy, but he predicted that this Unity Feast would be commemorated at many meetings in the future. 103 years later I will be doing that and in the process try to promote the core activities that the Universal House of Justice is encouraging us to engage in.

Past years I had said that I would bring a bag of chips and a bottle of pop to share with anyone who would join me. My finances this year will not permit me to do this, however I will go to a park and read the speech of  'Abdu'l-Bahá . If anyone wants to join me, that would be wonderful. If you want refreshments, you will need to bring your own.

Over the past year I have found other interesting facts. I found that the first Canadian to accept the Baha’i Faith, Edith Magee, was born on June 29, 1879. She was living in the New York area in 1912 and may have celebrated her 33rd birthday at the Unity Feast. However Edith accepted the Faith in Chicago in 1898 and was not Canadian born, but her mother and sister were both born in Canada and are the first to become Baha’is in Canada. Since the Magee’s  lived at 625 Wellington Street I think it would be safe to say the first two Canadian declarations occurred at that address when Edith’s mother and sister heard the news and accepted the faith upon Edith’s return from Chicago.

Past years we gathered at Queens Park, near the fair grounds. I have been thinking about changing the venue to Victoria Park since it is only one block from the house were the first Baha’is in Canada accepted the Faith. I am aware that London Food Fest is happening there this weekend so I am not sure if the clean up will be done by Monday.  However I will go and try to find a spot near the North East corner of the park. (Wellington and Central). I will be there from 6pm to 7 pm on Monday June 29, 2015.  Feel free to join me.

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